Recap - MRIberian Labs #2 Meeting

The second ISMRM Iberian Chapter MRI labs event took place online on the 13th of December 2022. On this second edition of the MRIberian Labs event, we focused on clinical research and we had representatives from 8 Magnetic Resonance laboratories in Iberia. 🧲🐭
The MRIberian Labs events have the objective of introducing the different MRI laboratories across Iberia, and sharing their latest developments in research, equipment and facilities.
In this session we had the opportunity to hear about the following groups: 🎤
• IDIABAPS, Hospital Clinic de Barcelona (Emma Muñoz Moreno),
• Preclinical MRI, i3S - Institute for Research and Innovation in Health, University of Porto (Rui Simoes),
• Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona (Margarida Julia Sapé),
• Radionomics Group, Vall d’Hebron Institute of Oncology (Francesco Grussu),
• Laboratorio de Procesado de Imagen, Universidad de Valladolid (Santiago Aja),
• Hospital Universitari i Politècnic La Fe Valencia (Maria Beser),
• UPM-CTB - Fundación CIEN (Bryan Strange)
• Institute of Biophysics and Biomedical Engineering, Universidade de Lisboa (Alexandre Andrade).
At the end of the session, Santiago Aja invited all the Iberians to attend next year’s annual meeting which will take place in 🥁🥁 Vallodolid in July! 🥳
The MRIberian Labs events will continue throughout the year, always sharing the research groups and work opportunities of the Iberian community!😸
We thank all the event participants and, of course, all the MRIberian labs for sharing their wonderful work with us!