ISMRM Iberian Chapter Annual Meeting 2023

Dear Iberian MRI Researchers,
The ISMRM Iberian Chapter is blooming maturely as a shared environment between scientists and clinicians in the magnetic resonance imaging field.
On behalf of the ISMRM Iberian Chapter Committee, we invite you to participate in the ISMRM Iberian Chapter Annual Meeting 2023, which will be held from July 3rd to 5th in Valladolid, one of the most beautiful Spanish cities of Renaissance architecture.
The meeting will be an opportunity for academic and social interaction, and we will be honored to have the following distinguished speakers.
The meeting include oral and poster sessions where Chapter members will have the opportunity to present their work. As in the previous year, there will be awards for the best oral and poster presentations. The conference programme will also include time to explore this wonderful city and to network at our social events.
The list of topics of the ISMRM Iberian Chapter Annual Meeting 2023 includes, but it is not limited to:
- cutting-edge solutions in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), including structural and functional imaging, dynamic MRI, diffusion-weighted MRI, susceptibility-weighted imaging, MR spectroscopy, MR fingerprinting,
- clinical applications of MRI in cardiovascular, neuroimaging, musculoskeletal and abdominal imaging,
- new sequences and data acquisition protocols,
- MRI signal reconstruction, representation and processing computational methods,
- multi-modal imaging including the synergy between the MRI and fNIRS/EEG/MEG/PLI,
- new software packages for reconstruction, processing and analysis of the MRI data.
Important dates and information
Abstract submission: May 5th, 2023, 11 PM UTC +1
Abstract notification: May 15th, 2023
Submit your abstract: Click HERE
Register for the conference: Click HERE (not active yet)
Programme at a glance
Meet our Sponsors
Nothing would be possible without the help of our amazing sponsors.
Scientific Committee:
- Carlos Alberola-López, PhD (Chair)
- Pablo Irarrazaval, PhD
- Tomasz Pieciak, PhD
- Antonio Tristán-Vega, PhD
Iberian ISMRM Chapter Committee:
- Rita G. Nunes, PhD (Chair)
- César Caballero-Gaudes, PhD (Vice-Chair)
- Rui Vasco Simões, PhD
- José Angel Pineda-Pardo, PhD
- Teresa Correia, PhD
- Joana Pinto, PhD
- Nuria Arias Ramos, PhD
- Balbino Yagüe Jiménez
- Eneko Uruñuela-Tremiño
Local organizing Committee:
- Santiago Aja-Fernández, PhD
- Rodrigo de Luis-García, PhD
- Pablo Casaseca-Higuera, PhD
- Marcos Martín-Fernández, PhD
- Miguel Ángel Martín-Fernández, PhD
- Rosa María Menchón-Lara, PhD
- Manuel Rodríguez-Cayetano, PhD
- Federico Simmross-Wattenberg, PhD
- Patricia Amado-Caballero
- Emilio López-Ales
- Elena Martín-González
- Carmen Martín-Martín
- Elisa Moya-Sáez
- Guillem París
- Justino R. Rodríguez-Galván