Funny Magnetic Resonance Ideas
Valladolid, 5 July 2023, 16:30-17:30h (Oral Session)

Dear Iberian MRI Researchers,

The idea of this session is to join all the participants of the Iberian Chapter Meeting in a lighter (fun) session. All teams are invited to submit their proposals. But, what about? We are sure you have had sometimes funny thoughts about your research, ideas you have left aside because they are too bold, too bizarre or, maybe, too wrong. You may have also thought of funny jokes based on MRI. This session gives room to all this lost potential. Prepare an abstract as funny as you can but in the more formal way you can. Present it in this special session and aim at make us laugh.

Idea: The idea of this session is to join all the participants of the Iberian Chapter Meeting in a lighter (fun) session. All teams are invited to submit their proposals. But, what about? We are sure you have had sometimes funny thoughts about your research, ideas you have left aside because they are too bold, too bizarre or, maybe, too wrong. You may have also thought of funny jokes based on MRI. This session gives room to all this lost potential. Prepare an abstract as funny as you can but in the more formal way you can. Present it in this special session and aim at make us laugh.

In addition, we also want to make us think. By having a different perspective of our work, we will be able to detect our main flaws as a research community and the most common mistakes in our works.

The list of topics of the fu-MRI special session includes, but it is not limited to:

  • Nonsense research ideas.
  • Cutting edge methods with bizarre validation.
  • Alternative uses of the magnet.
  • Impossible fMRI tasks.
  • Best applications ever, even if they cannot work in this specific universe since they violated some of the Physics’ laws.
  • Revolutionary Artificial Intelligence applications for medical imaging.
  • Contributions that are so marginal that do not interest even to yourself.
  • Alternative medical imaging devices.
  • Simply funny anecdotes about your work.
  • Real research that has gone terribly wrong.

Note that reality and scientific accuracy is not a must in this session. We will set the bar low, in the pursuit of the very best in entertainment.

Important dates and information

Abstract submission deadline: June 19th, 2023, 11 PM UTC +1

Session day: 5 July 2023, 16:30-17:30h (Oral Session)

Contact person: Prof. Santiago Aja-Fernández (sanaja[at]

Submit your abstract: Click HERE

Register for the conference: Click HERE

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